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Sugar Free Challenge

During the month of March I am going to go sugar free to re balance my body and eliminate refined sugar in my diet. Sugar seems to be in almost everything we eat or drink, sometimes known - most of the time hidden. Part of this challenge is to cut out refined sugar completely, whilst the other part is to ensure I restrict the use of natural sugars too - after all, sugar is sugar! However I do know it us unrealistic to eradicate all sugar from my diet and it is not healthy to do so, I will be aiming to include no more than 6g of sugar per 100g of ingredients as suggested in 'The Sugar Free Kitchen' Love Food book.

Last year I completed two weeks being sugar free and the benefits were great, my mentality toward food changed and I try to limit the amount of sugar I eat day to day, however this time I want to make it a permanent change in my lifestyle. It was during this time that my eyes were opened to just how much sugar particular foods / pre-packaged foods have in. What suprised me most was that so many people look to 'low fat' options when shopping due to thinking that they are healthier, when in actual fact they contain more sugar whilst lowering the fat content - a low-fat yoghurt can contain more sugar than ice cream! I know which one I'd rather be eating!

The first step (following guidance from Sarah Wilson's 'I Quit Sugar' book) is to look at my overall daily consumption of sugar - some days are more, some days are less, but I need to be able to understand just how much sugar I am consuming. So over the next 6 days I will be monitoring my sugar intake and on my blog post next week will share with you what I find!

As part of my sugar free month I will be sharing recipes and my approach mentally - I'm in this for the long game so I need to mentally tackle this challenge for sustainability post the 4 week challenge period. I will also be sharing my thoughts & feelings (you go through the bad to get to the good) and will be asking you to share your ideas/ comments.

Are you wanting to make a change to your eating habits?

If you would like to join me, send me an email or fill in the comment section on my home page.

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