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Pure Purpose Deodorant VS. Jason Deodorant

As part of my journey back to nature I am constantly looking for organic and natural products to substitute for my current mass produced, intoxicated items. One area I have been keen to source a good product is in the deodorant department. No one wants to smell - right?

So, over the last month I have been using these two different deodorants to see which one works best for my body and which one I will not purchase again in the future.

I began by using the Jason Deodorant Stick as I had purchased this alongside other products a couple of months ago. The application is easy and there is a very subtle fragrance of lavender, however the any deodorant marks on clothing were really evident and they were difficult to remove with a damp cloth or wipe. What suprised me most was the 'long lasting protection' which is to 'control odour'. Even on days where I did very little, I began to smell a vague odour half way through and noticed mild sweat marks - something I have not had before which made me really self-concious. After doing some reading, I decided I would continue to try it because when switching to natural products, your body goes through a process of eliminating all of the toxins your body has previously taken in.

I did continue using this for a number of weeks, but it never got any better. I have been disappointed in the performance of this product as it has not provided me with 'all day odour protection'.

So, last night I played netball - I play centre so I do A LOT of running. I applied the Pure Purpose deodorant yesterday morning and wondered how it would fair. Yesterday morning my 4 year old son also decided he would 'try' the deodorant as he wanted to be a 'big boy' - needless to say, he kept smelling his under arms all day and reminded me that he could still smell the cream :)

The netball game began and 40 minutes later - whilst hot and sweaty after running all over the court, I noticed that I did not smell and the lavender fragrance subtly remained. I have been extremely impressed with this deodorant cream and will continue to use this. I am so grateful for winning the Pure Purpose competition on instagram as if they hadn't have been kind enough to send me this - I potentially wouldn't have found it!

One product replacement found.... now on to my next...

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